Internet is on!

After two weeks of beeing back, I finally have internet acces in my room! Untilll now, I was parasiting on my brothers – correction, fammilys – computer downstairs. basically, I was dependent on my brothers mood.

I am so happy that i came back after so long and discovered i had not one, not two, but THREE visitors today!! Or maybe one visitor came back three times, I have no idea how that goes.

my mom went away for a week, so this means that I can’t yet report of any normal rythm. Yes, I am obviously, shamefully ((and I do mean that, not in a way some people talk about theyir shortcomings but are proud of them)) that immature that I need my mom as a supervisor to get things done.

I did paint my walls and cleaned out some of the drawers and threw away tons of magazines and and and…So there is some progress.

In other news – in less then a week, I’ll be sporting a new accesorry – braces!! ((hopefully, I really really don’t wanna jinx it!

My greek godess of a dog is looking at me with big eyes, pleading to be fed, so I gotta go.

I hate when people end their blogs that way.
I guess I am bad at endings, hihi 🙂

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